Avoid Keeping Customers Waiting

document scanning

Much of the interaction with customers takes place via documents.

Much of the interaction with customers takes place via documents such as application forms, claims, supporting documents, change requests or letters of complaint. When dealing with high volumes of such inbound documents on a daily basis it is easy to see how delays, backlogs and lost or misfiled items can have a negative effect.

With document scanning software such as Kofax Capture, all incoming documents can be converted to digital images as they arrive. Indexing the captured documents enables efficient filing and retrieval which ensures they do not get lost, while significantly improving traceability as they move through the system.

Document recognition and data extraction software such as Kofax Transformation Modules can automate the classification of these incoming documents by type, enabling them to be sorted and routed to the correct handler or workflow much faster than can be done manually.

As a result, document scanning software can be used to reduce backlogs by removing paper and expediting the receiving, sorting and routing process. Documents can be tagged with the appropriate level of priority to ensure prompt actioning.

Straight-forward integration with back end systems means customer-facing staff can view captured documents on screen without having to leave their CRM or other line of business application, enabling them to deal with customer enquiries much more effectively.

UK Kofax reseller Data Capture Solutions have been able to help clients integrate Kofax Capture with workflow management software to enable automated tracking and monitoring of documents and avoid backlogs in approvals workflows.

DCS – Document Capture and Scanning Services

For assistance in assessing and finding the right solutions for your document scanning and capture talk to Data Capture Solutions on +44(0)1753 616720. 

DCS are experts in a wide variety of document management and scanning solutions and can help your organisation find the software, systems and services that will not only improve your productivity, but also save resources. Visit http://www.dcs.co.uk/ for more information.